Wedding Information

For information regarding policies and fees for holding your wedding at First United Methodist Church, please click on the links at the bottom of this page.
  1. Member and Associated Member weddings have scheduling priority over non-member events.
  2. To be regarded as a “member wedding,” the bride or groom or one of their parents or guardians must be members in good standing of First United Methodist Church. “Members in good standing” will have at least monthly attendance in the twelve months prior to the scheduling and/or participate in stewardship by giving regularly.
  3. To be regarded as an “Associated Member” either the bride and groom or one of their parents are non-active members who do not attend regularly and/or participate in stewardship through regular giving, or a grandchild or other closely related family member to a member, active or inactive, of FUMC.
  4. Member and Associated Member weddings may be scheduled one year or more in advance.
  5. Non-member weddings, those with no affiliation with a member or associate member of FUMC, cannot be scheduled until eight months in advance of the date to allow for member/associated member scheduling.